Institute For Personal Development, Inc. is a Kriya Yoga Ashram that offers classes, services, and a private residential program for anyone interested in self-improvement. Our programs are unique because of the depth of knowledge that supports the recommended practices. We support all our concepts with a full array of information coming from the Cretin Labyrinth, Astrology, Mythology, Alchemy, symbols in Fairy Tales and the Parables of Religions. Because Kriya Yoga is a complete holistic health management system, there are many facets and strategies to learn. There is a learning curve to the practices and an evidence procedure to the process. Everyone is different and has specific strengths and weaknesses, which makes personal attention valuable in escalating physiological/psychological and spiritual development. We have created programs that consist of a path of action, a path of knowledge and a path of devotion. When followed correctly, these programs will facilitate a process that will lead to the experience of Total Consciousness.
Whether you are a beginner or longtime practitioner, IPD can create a program to advance your physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities. We teach Kriya Yoga in all eight stages Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. We teach Yoga classes in practice and theory. We use the TLC Labyrinth as a tool to know ourselves, balance the chakras and expand the conscious mind.