Massage doesn't just feel good. It lowers heart rate andblood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymphflow, relaxes muscles and improves range of motion.Massage increases the body's serotonin and naturalendorphins, enhancing medical treatment and generatingfeelings of well-being. The massage therapist's handsstimulate circulation down to the cellular level. Massagepromotes the removal of metabolic waste resulting fromexercise or inactivity and allows more oxygen andnutrients to reach the cells. Sensory nerve receptors inthe skin and muscles are stimulated, bringing new bodyawareness to areas that have felt blocked by chronictension. Massage has mental and emotional benefits aswell. Massage fosters a calmer mind, improved mood andgreater ability to monitor stress signals and respondappropriately. Receiving human touch in a safe and caringenvironment nurtures feelings of well-being and enhances self-image through awareness of the mind-body connection.