6:30pm Class cancelled Monday June 22 - This is a Power Company emergency shutdow.
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule change
Wednesday November 24th - 6:30am 9:30am 11:30am 4:30pm - No 6:30pm
Thursday Thanksgiving Day - 7:30am class only - Class by donation only $15 worth of Food or cash - Proceeds to go to the Nashua Soup Kitchen.
Friday November 26th - 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am 4:30pm
Saturday & Sunday full schedule.
New England Regional Yoga Asana Championship
Bruce Blackstone - Men's New Hampshire first place winner
Sarah Dick - Women's 3rd Place Winner
Mid-day Classes Added to the Schedule
Beginning September 10 there will be classes at 11:30 am on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class
Bikram Yoga Nashua teaches the Bikram Yoga series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises done in a specific order, designed for our cultural problems of stress, overeating, bad posture, and aggressive lifestyles. This exact technique and series of fixed poses brings better health to anyone willing to try it.
The Bikram series of yoga postures when done in the prescribed order works synergistically to bring your body into optimal balance. Yoga is a 5000-year-old science and it is the best way of improving your body and your mind. When practicing the Bikram series, you develop a physical and mental well-being that positively affects the way you see yourself in the world.
Yoga Classes seven days a week all classes are for all levels of practitioners. We are conveniently located 5 minutes from Exit 5 on Route 3 in Nashua, New Hampshire (NH).
This is the original HOT YOGA. The yoga room is intentionally heated to 105 degrees to promote weight loss, keep the muscles warm (to allow for deeper and safer stretching), increase the heart rate for a better cardiovascular workout, and cleanse the body of toxins through sweat.
Classes 7 Days a Week
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday6:30 am, 9:30 am, 4:30 pm,
Wednesday6:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am,
Friday6:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am,
Saturday7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am,
Come to any class, any time
Information for your first class
My first impression of Bikram's Yoga was that it was hard and I am really really bad at it. The realization that I am so bad at it alerted me to how much I really need it. I felt that I needed to challenge myself and so I kept coming back. Weight loss was one of the first obvious benefits I noticed from practicing even for two weeks. Then chronic pains in my neck and back were completely alleviated after a short while.
Wednesday Nov. 24th6:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 4:30pm
Thursday Nov 25th Thanksgiving Day7:30am Class only
Friday Nov 26th7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am 4:30pm
First 10 Consecutive Days, Unlimited Yoga Only $10.
Any class, any time.
Shakti Activewear for both women and men. Made specifically to be worn in hot yoga classes.
Bikram Yoga Nashua 603.880.YOGA (9642) email
5 Pine Street Extension, #6 Mill South, Nashua, NH 03060