Welcome to PortCityLaw.com, the official web site of Ahlgren, Perrault & Pudloski, P.A. of Portsmouth, NH. We offer practical legal solutions for your life, business and property.
Each of our attorneys has over 30 years legal experience, and has developed an expertise in his chosen areas of practice. In addition, each of our attorneys has served as a leader in their local communities and within the NH legal profession. Please visit the Biographical section to learn more about our staff.
We offer a wide range of legal services for individuals, families, local businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Please visit our "General Information" section for a complete list of legal services.
Unlike many large law firms, we strive to offer personalized legal services. Normally, a client remains with the same attorney throughout the course of representation. In this way, you can be assured of receiving high quality legal services from a trusted legal counselor.
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