Cigar & Cigar Samplers
Buy cigars online from the best place to order cigars in the world. We ship cigars to APO addresses and also ship cigars to Canada, Australia, the U.K. and many other international destinations. When a order is placed online we get right to work and ship your order out as soon as possible, so your cigars arrive fast and fresh. NH Cigars turnaround time is around 3 to 5 days to the East Coast, 4 to 6 Days to the West Coast, as we usually ship FedEx for all orders, but sometimes ship with USPS when needed.
NH Cigars ships cigars to APO Addresses all the time, and we have been shipping cigars to the Armed Forces in APO addresses in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2004 (also to add we have never lost a single package). NH Cigars offers a wide range of cigar brands and tobacco products that include bundle cigars, cigar accessories, the best cigar cutters (like the Xikar Xi Titanium which includes a lifetime guarantee), Top 10 cigars, Top 10 Mild cigars, cigar lighters, and, of course, we have awesome cigar email deals.
Cigar Brands
Now for the good stuff you should take a look a these cigars because these are the most sold cigars on our website which includes Padron 1926, Padron 1964 Anniversary, Padron 87 #4 Family Reserve, Padron 45, CAO La Traviata, CAO Concert, Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro and Sun-grown, Oliva Serie V Melanio, La Flor Dominicana Digger cigars, and Cigar Aficionado latest and top rated cigars.
Cigar of The Year
The Flor de las Antillas Toro is Cigar Aficionado's Cigar of the Year in 2012, and is another smash hit for My Father Cigar Inc and Don Pepin Garcia team. These ultra-Nicaraguan Sun Grown cigars are hand rolled by the most experienced cigar rollers in Pepin’s factory, so you can be well-assured that these cigars will be flawless. Flor de las Antillas, “meaning flower of Antilles”, is the largest island of the Antillies islands in the Cuba region. These Flor de las Antillas cigars are a medium to full bodied cigar that delivers a perfect draw among flavor profiles ranging from Cocoa, Spanish cedar, pepper, and hints of coffee. From the very beginning these cigars will give you that wow feeling until the very end, so prepare yourself for a roller coaster ride of My Father greatness. The Flor de las Antillas cigars come in these sizes: Flor de las Antillas Toro, Flor de las Antillas Belicoso, Flor de las Antillas Robusto, Flor de las Antillas Toro Gordo. Buy Flor de las Antillas, the cigar of the year at NH Cigars, the best cigar website in the universe.
La Palina El Diario Kill Bill
The La Palina Kill Bill cigars are a new corona sized cigar measuring in at a 40 ring gauge by 4.5 inches in length. The La Palina Kill Bill cigars are one of the best cigars to hit in recent years,and notably received an outstanding rating of 94 from Cigar Aficionado also to add the La Palina EL Dario Kill Bill cigars are a ultra premium cigar that's handmade down in Honduras. These La Palina El Diario Kill Bill cigars are well worth the price tag because the
La Palina Kill Bill cigars have been well aged for 2 years before they go out to market. The blend is a spicy, peppery full bodied kick that will make you fall in love with these cigars. If you're looking for a ultra rare and awesome cigar; the La Palina Kill Bill I cigars are your best bet! The La Palina EL Dario Kill Bill II is the same awesome blend, but longer in length measuring in at 6" with a 40 ring gauge, and a must have.
Perdomo 20th Anniversary
The Perdomo 20th Anniversary is the all new cigar line created by Nick Perdomo as the 20th Anniversary is created using the Perdomo family’s time-honored Cuban traditions. The new Perdomo 20th Anniversary is also semi box pressed and presented in elegant 24-count Spanish cedar boxes which delivers a stellar presentation along with stellar taste. The Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars are hand-crafted with the finest tobaccos grown exclusively on Perdomo’s most prestigious farms in Esteli, Condega, and the famed Jalapa Valley in Nicaragua.
Perdomo 20th Anniversary come in these sizes:
Perdomo 20th Churchill C756 Maduro - Perdomo 20th Churchill C756 Sun Grown - Perdomo 20th Epicure E556 Maduro - Perdomo 20th Epicure E556 Sun Grown - Perdomo 20th Epicure G660 Maduro - Perdomo 20th Epicure G660 Sun Grown - Perdomo 20th Anniversary Robusto R556 Maduro - Perdomo 20th Anniversary Robusto R556 Sun Grown - Perdomo 20th Anniversary Torpedo T6554 Maduro - Perdomo 20th Anniversary Torpedo T6554 Sun Grown: The Perdomo 20th Anniversary use the highest priming tobaccos from each region, the new Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars have a tremendous flavor profile with layer upon layer of rich, elegant, complex flavors. The seamless combination of the all Cuban-seed Nicaraguan grown wrappers, binders, and fillers makes the Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars exceptional Nicaraguan puros. Using the best tobaccos from each of their farms in each region, Perdomo has truly created a masterpiece blend with a core of deep, satisfying flavors. In order to achieve a perfect balance, the Perdomo 20th Anniversary blend requires wrappers that have been carefully hand-selected and well-aged for over 6 years. After being fermented to perfection, each Cuban-seed Sun Grown and Maduro wrapper is barrel-aged in bourbon barrels for an additional 14 months. These barrel-aged wrappers are at their peak color and flavor, making each Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigar impeccably smooth from beginning to end. The Perdomo 20th Anniversary is available in both Cuban-seed Sun Grown and Maduro wrappers which will be Perdomo's new top dog of all of their cigar lines combined, so buy Perdomo 20th Anniversary cigars online from the best cigar website in the universe.
Julius Caesar Diamond Crown
Julius Caesar Diamond Crown cigars were released back in 2009 by J.C. Newman the distributors of the world renowned famous Diamond Crown Maximus cigars. JC Newman decided to launch the top notch Julius Caesar cigar to kick it up a notch and bring their “A” game, and that's exactly what they have done with this beauty. The Julius Caesar is hand-made and rolled by the very best cigar rollers in the business, and you guess it Tabacalera A. Fuente. The Opus x is Fuente’s claim to fame, but this all new blend is top notch. The spicy long-fillers on this Julius Caesar are carefully handpicked from a special tobacco farm in Central America that marries perfectly in harmony with a spicy oily Ecuadorian Cuban-seed wrapper that delivers this cigar into rock star status.
Julius Caesar Cigar Sizes
The sizes available are the Julius Caesar Toro 6x52 - Julius Caesar Robusto 4.75x52 - Julius Caesar Pyramid 6.5 x 52 - Julius Caesar Churchill 7 1/4 x 52. Order Julius Caesar cigars now and thank us later!
Cigars Reviews
Tortuga 215 Torpedo received an outstanding cigar review from the Robb Report. It is a medium to full bodied cigar and is one the best cigars we have smoked in a while. Another fan favorite is the new La Palina cigar line and are one of the best cigars to hit our store in recent years. These ultra premium cigars are handmade down in the Bahamas by the same folks who make Grey Cliff cigars. One of our most sold cigars on NH Cigars is the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Maduro DL-700, as these are the strongest cigars, and rarest cigars on the market period. That's what the La Flor Dominicana cigar line is known for. The Don Benigno cigars are some of most popular cigars worldwide, and we ship these all over the U.S.A. and around the world. Those cigars are some of our top picks and reviewed, so take a look at the links to view the cigars and buy cigars online from the best cigar website in the world.