Over the last decade, hypnosis has gained popularity and acceptance as a natural path to wellness and happiness. In fact, the techniques of hypnosis, or suggestive therapy, have been used for healing since the beginning of history.
It is certain that hypnosis is neither mysterious nor mystical. It is also not meditation, psychotherapy, relaxation, nor (above all) sleep. It is, however, in its most simple definition, a way of changing the unproductive habits of mind through "speaking" directly to the subconscious mind (where all learned behavior is stored) without the conscious (critical) mind interfering. If we are able to modify the way we think we can effect change in ourselves. After all, "You are what you think."
Since hypnosis refers to a state or condition in which an individual becomes open and responsive to suggestion, the hypnotized individual will accept mutually agreed upon instructions in an uncritical and open fashion. The suggestions offered during hypnosis are accepted as the individual's new operating instructions.
It is important to note that while in an hypnotic state, the individual will not lose consciousness, surrender will power, reveal personal or family secrets, or remain "stuck" in the hypnotic state. There is no loss of personal control and an individual is always capable of making decisions at all times.
Hypnosis can bring about significant improvement in your daily lifeto make you more "fit" mentally and physically. Only you truly know in what areas of your life you need redirection, support, or motivation. Only you are the master of your destiny, the director of your success. Using hypnosis for improved wellness, individuals may stop smoking, relieve stress, lose weight, manage pain, change undesirable habits, and improve motivation. Through a meaningful interaction between the individual and the hypnotist, you give yourself permission to let go of all your old unproductive ways of thinking as your explore and become your new and magnificent self. If you are considering hypnosis for any kind of medical issue, please download our medical referral form.