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Parent Education Classes Support Groups Play Groups Dads' Group Home-visiting Services Youth After-school Program
The HUB is dedicated to strengthening families in Strafford County and surrounding towns through parent education, family support and childrens programs, which contribute to positive family growth and development.
The HUB also organizes fun family events such as ice cream socials, story time, nature outings, literacy events and family programs at its Dover headquarters at the McConnell Community Center. It is our mission to build a community of healthy families which are growing in a positive direction, and we strive to further this mission every day.
The HUB is currently is the process of merging with Community Partners. Community Partners serves all of Strafford County as the state designated provider of developmental services and community mental health. For more information about Community Partners, visit www.communitypartnersnh.org
Find out here how you can become involved in keeping our children safe.
The HUB Family Resource Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization which provides educational programs and support services,
enhancing parents abilities to raise healthy children in caring homes. The HUB is supported by federal, state, county, local and private
foundation grants, fund raising events, and individual contributions from people in our community.