New England Pet Partners, Inc.
Bringing People and Pets Together to Enhance Well-Being and Education with Pet-Assisted Therapy
Non-Profit 501(c)(3) - #17597
We dedicate this website to our Pet Partners, R.E.A.D. teams, Board of Directors and Volunteers and the Teams, who are our daily inspiration.
Raising awareness with integrity creates a positive rippling effect for all species.
Enjoy the journey through this evolving website by teams who are making a difference with pet-assisted therapy and canine-assisted learning.
To request attendance at a Board Meeting or receive our E-News -- e-mail neppnh
For information on how to become a Pet Partner:
Benefits of Pet-Assisted Therapy
Order your Pet Partner Team Training Manual Phone: 425-679-5500 -- Fax: 425-679-5539
How to Become a Licensed Team Evaluator
Licensed Team Evaluator Study Materials Form
Licensed Team Evaluator Qualification Form
Expectations Placed on Therapy Dogs
What Makes Teams Suitable for NEPP
What Happens during a PP Skills and Aptitude Test
Nepp Code of Ethics
New England Pet Partners, Inc. is an affiliate (#46489) of the Delta Society Pet Partners program. We offer program services as a licensed Pet Partners training site. We follow Delta's guidelines for Pet Partner Team Training Registration, Team Evaluations and Practicums, Instruction and Animal-Assisted Therapy-- deltasociety.
New England Pet Partners, Inc. follows the guidelines and training for the R.E.A.D. (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) training, programs and registration therapyanimals.
We provide individually created Pet-Assisted Therapy programs, therapeutic intervention, and resources to support the needs of health care professionals and organizations.
In collaboration with a strong group of experienced volunteer teams, board of directors, advisors, committees and sponsors, New England Pet Partners, Inc. offers:
Private Coaching / Mentoring (fee for service)
Treatment Planning / Intervention (as a Adjunct & fee for service)
Through a structured, yet flexible plan, we can assist in developing a program and provide training to safely integrate Pet-Assisted Activities and/or Therapy, as an adjunct to existing treatment (and activity) modalities.
The team works to create an integrated treatment program, in collaboration with attending staff that is designed to promote a sense of well-being and connection. The benefit is enhanced learning, self-esteem and recovery for children, groups, families and older adults with transitional, emotional and physical challenges.
We invite you to take a deep breath and journey through New England Pet Partner's Website. Follow the links to seek out the information you choose. As we live, learn, grow and glow, so will this website evolve.