New England's most trusted source for pool tables, billiards accessories and repairs.
New & Used Pool Tables
We personally handle all aspects of the purchase, delivery, set up and warranty. Ac-Cue-Rate delivers prompt, courteous service with absolutely no hassles!
new tables used tables
Service & Repairs
We combine old school quality craftsmanship with modern technology to deliver unparalleled results. We offer an exclusive One-Year Warranty on all new table installations.
our guaranteed services
Wide Range of Accessories
From quality lighting to a wide variety of cue cases,
Ac-Cue-Rate is your source for billiards and game room accessories that add that special touch.
game room accessories
Purchase any new pool table now through December 12th, and receive a FREE Dining Top! While supplies last - a $300 Value!
8'x4' table with modern styling, matte black finish with leather pockets and your chioce of color cloth and a free starter accessory pacakge.
The quality of our work speaks for itself...
view our gallery
Ac-Cue-Rate is family owned and operated with deep roots in the billiards and game room industry. Our skilled technicians and craftsmen attend to the most minute details so your investment lasts a lifetime.
Our reputation has been built upon decades of quaity installations, friendly service and attention to details. Ac-Cue-Rate Billiards friendly staff is New England's best source for expert advice on billiards and game room equipment.
Stop by our store to see what we mean!
Holiday Showroom Hours / Store Location:
Monday - Friday
We will be open on Sundays through December 19th
Holiday Hours: Noon-4pm
* Pool Table shopping is available evenings and Sundays by appointment.
87 Bridge Street, Pelham, NH 03076
Only 3/4 mile south of our previous location on Rte. 38!
Telephone: 603-635-2333